Rom Geves, Building Materials

I should like to relate to working with the bills of quantities of Hishuvim Berosh Tov and its manager, Danny Kreisberg.  The bills of quantities and the visual plans that we receive from Hishuvim Berosh Tov are the basis for all stages of the work—preparing a price quotation for the project and managing the negotiations up to preparing invoices and the final account. At the stage of preparing the price quotation for the project, the price quantities and visual plans that explain and supplement are very beneficial to us and save a great deal of time.  The level of accuracy and the meticulous details of the elements of the job and the details of the project help us understand the material. The level of accuracy and the details also make it possible to easily move from the quotation according to the bill of quantities to measurement to a turnkey contract, and saves time for the submitter of the quotation.

In the course of our work, we always arrive at a professional relationship on a high level that does not usually exist in this area. Hishuvim Berosh Tov continues to improve and to development work in the area for the sake of its clients and the building branch.


Sergei Ravitz, Tender Department

We are always happy to be at your service please contact us for any question or for Scheduling a meeting

PHONE: 972-9542059

We are always happy to be at your service please contact us for any question or for scheduling a meeting

PHONE: 972-9-9542059 MOBILE: 972-52-6513773