Prof. Barak Rosen

I am now in the final stages of a project, building a luxurious home in the center of the country.  I am writing this letter in order to share with everyone my positive experience with the company Hishuvim Berosh Tov, managed by Danny Kreisberg.

Building a home is always a complex task which often tests the nerves and stability of the project owner. Most of us are people who have very little or no experience in the construction field and we place our trust in professionals whose job it is to carry out the construction in keeping with our expectations, and according to the architectural plans.  Who among us does not know a relative or friend who came across obstacles or unpleasant surprises during a building project, as well as experiences that caused him agitation, health, time, and of course quite a bit of money.

As for myself, I did not completely understand at the outset the importance of a precise, detailed preparation of bills of quantities for the implementation of the project.  Naively enough, I thought the contractor would examine the building plans, calculate the price quotation and carry out the job in the best possible way under the surveillance of the supervisor.  But after I met with Danny from Hishuvim Berosh Tov and he showed me the detailed bill of quantities along with the detailed visual diagrams, I understood that was in fact my insurance policy to ensure that the work would be carried out as required, in accordance with the architect’s specifications, without any shortcuts, while the quality of the materials and the implementation were maintained.

The bill of quantities that Danny and his staff at Hishuvim Berosh Tov prepare leaves no room for misunderstandings, arguments, shortcuts, or errors.  Everything is clearly detailed. The contractor on his part knows exactly what he has to do and how, and this enables him to submit a realistic price quotation.  While the specification enables the person ordering the work to know that everything is carried out according to the architect’s plans, and there is no room for misunderstandings that lead to changes and to unforeseen additional payments. The diagrams are clear and color coded and one does not have to be a professional to  understand them and to associate every detail on the diagram with the technical specification that describes it.

Now that our construction  project is nearing its end, I can clearly and emphatically state that the services  provided by Danny and Hishuvim Berosh Tov are in no way a luxury but rather a necessity that should not be foregone in any construction project, in particular in a deluxe project in which the precise implementation of every detail is so important.

To conclude, a word about the quality of the service: from my experience, Danny is an excellent professional, prepared to answer every question and available in every situation.  For us, it was a pleasant, very positive experience to work with him and I can unqualifiedly recommend him warmly.

Prof. Barak Rosen

Tzukei Arsuf

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PHONE: 972-9542059

We are always happy to be at your service please contact us for any question or for scheduling a meeting

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