Coral Ltd. Renovators and Builders

Hishuvim Berosh Tov and its manager, Danny Kreisberg, engage in preparing bills of quantities as well as colorful plans that enable everyone—client, contractor—to more easily understand the essence of the work. The bills of quantities that Danny issues are amazingly precise and save both the person ordering the work and the building contractor many problems which can crop up due to errors or misunderstandings. The bills of quantities also constitute an aid for the purpose of comparing the different contractors’ quotations. And that helps the client, making it easier to choose a contractor/builder.

We have been working with one another for many years, and I am certain we will do so for many years to come.  Unquestionably, you are in your own league, above the others.

Thanks, Ido Mendel

We are always happy to be at your service please contact us for any question or for Scheduling a meeting

PHONE: 972-9542059

We are always happy to be at your service please contact us for any question or for scheduling a meeting

PHONE: 972-9-9542059 MOBILE: 972-52-6513773