Atir Mayan, Engineers

Hishuvim Berosh Tov, managed by Danny Kreisberg, produces precise bills of quantities with attached plans that help make my work more effective and make things easier for me. The high quality of the detailed bills of quantities and the accompanying colorful plans enables me to transmit the information that is essential for the job to all those involved in the project, so that the various professionals have access and can understand the information and the plans. The timetables planned by me with the aid of the information in the bills of quantities are more precise and detailed and really help in organizing a well-planned project that is about to begin.

Dear Danny, your professionalism and professionality combined with the fact that you are a pleasant, attentive person lead to thorough, professional and high-quality work, which I greatly appreciate.  Looking forward to many years of joint work.


Amir Mayan, Civil Engineer

We are always happy to be at your service please contact us for any question or for Scheduling a meeting

PHONE: 972-9542059

We are always happy to be at your service please contact us for any question or for scheduling a meeting

PHONE: 972-9-9542059 MOBILE: 972-52-6513773